
I’m half watching The Omen as I get my Outlook Contacts all sync’d up with my new Tungsten E Palm Pilot, and I can’t help wondering: how the hell can you have a kid named Damien and not know he’s the spawn of the Devil? I mean really!

Why did I decide on the Tungsten E? It had the biggest color screen for under $200 that I could find and didn’t come with any of the extras that will never work as well as I want them to and then just end up unused anyway (camera, phone, shit like that).

Oh yeah, Outlook is for my new job. Did I not mention that? Yeah, I got the job I’ve been waiting months to get. I’m the newest Client Manager/Functional Consultant for Beaconfire Consulting. Check out the client list. This is my kind of company. I’m staying.

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