Dobson is a Dick

What a complete and utter pud. Total dork-wad all tied up in knots. Check out the post on Sadly, No. James Dobson is trying to help you stop the evils of queerness in your dear child.

Is My Child Becoming a Homo…er…sexual?

Should I worry that – at the tender young age of 4 – Demon #2 is only happy when he’s dressed as some sort of superhero-Babushka and thinks he looks smashing in barrettes? Nah, I’ll worry when he stops calling the shrub “President Butthole,” and starts eating meat. No, not that kind of meat. I could care less if he eats that kind of meat. I just fear that he’ll eat animals someday and start voting Republican. Eating hot studly beefcake, though? Not so much a worry here at the homestead.

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