I Like Pop. Robyn is Pop. I Like Robyn.

I haven’t let the kids put Robyn on their iPods yet because I’m not done liking it and as soon as they can listen to her whenever they want without going through me, it will get overplayed and I’ll be tired of it.  They did it to me with Little Boots and I haven’t quite forgiven them yet.

Body Talk Pt. 1 is a nice, though very short, collection of poppy electro numbers which inhabit a rather darker, more sparse, landscape than her one-time peers Christina and Brittany.  Her plans to release two more records in September and December make up for the shortness of this first release since I her 2005 record that I didn’t know anything about.  So there you go, Tim: music reviewer.


Who is Little Boots?  I’m glad you asked: https://insurmountableopportunities.com/2010/05/06/little-boots-meddle/

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