My First Five Songs

There were five records my parents have had for as long as I can remember: Tommy (The Who), Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band (The Beatles), Chrysalis (Chrysalis), After the Gold Rush (Neil Young), and Bridge Over Troubled Water (Simon and Garfunkel). So here are my favorite songs off each of them:

Dr. Root’s Garden – Chrysalis

Don’t think for a second that these people are not very strange.

Don’t Let it Bring You Down – Neil Young

One of the most beautiful songs ever. Even when I was three I knew that.

A Day in the Life – The Beatles

Fours years and eight albums after their 1963 debut. What the holy hell? My parents bought this just a couple of months before I was born. I’ve never not heard this record.

I’m Free – The Who

First I’d heard of drugs, sex, pinball, and cults. I wonder if two years old was a bit young…nah. Though Uncle Ernie totally freaks my kids out today.

The Boxer – Simon and Garfunkel

I have absolutely no idea what I though this song was about when it was released (I was four). I’m not entirely sure I do now.

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