Yeah, I guess you could listen the the new Kanye/Jay-z album. Or you could, instead, venture over here…way the fuck out into left field and give Death Grips a listen. Something about it (spare, industial, confrontational) reminds me of The Beatnigs.
“We obviously had the option and foresight to not use a seatbelt, but that misses the point. It is not real – the outside is static, the inside is static, and the seatbelt is fucking static. Everything is static, just eating away at the individual. The material world and many things within it are designed to keep us half-dead, and we’re trained to think these things are keeping us safe. We reference the weaponry of fear and our music and vision isn’t about being hard or tough, it’s about being real and raw, and feeling our shit. We counter with energy, everything is energy.”
– Flatlander, Death Grips