
I’m one of the latest influx of people to head over to Mastodon as more and more is happening with Twitter that I don’t like. Honestly, Elon buying it was enough, but there’s been plenty since then.

I joined as @tim52 (because I like the number 52) without a whole lot of research or understanding about why you’d want to pick one instance over another. Glenn Fleishman (who I know from High School and follow on Twitter) was on that server so that’s where I went. It seems a fine place to be and I haven’t noticed any racism, homophobia, misogyny, anti-semitism, or other hateful crap, but I also have not been around for very long.

I’m just starting to get a feel for what “Fediverse” culture is like and how the ‘verse combine with your instance and people you follow to determine how conversations go. I’ve waded in a little bit but still feel pretty uncertain. There certainly seem to be a lot of people ready to help but I’m very cautiously optimistic because it so far seems very white and very tech.

We’ll see.

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