
Movies: “Cabin Fever”

Who can resist a flick about five kids in a cabin in the woods, surrounded by suspicious townsfolk, and the creeping death of a skin virus? Ok, so a lot of people resisted it. Maybe “resist” is a strong word. A lot of people just simply didn’t go see it. That’s a shame too…the movie is really pretty fun. It doesn’t take itself too seriously, is occasionally scary, sexy, funny, creepy, and thrilling. It also isn’t a whole lot of any of those things.

How scary is it? I watched this one alone after everyone else was asleep and didn’t even have to run up the stairs after turning off the basement light (where I watch my flicks). That means that it wasn’t very scary. Not like the first ten minutes of “Jeepers Creepers,” which was among the scariest ten minutes I’ve seen on screen (but which is unfortunately followed by some of the most pedestrian horror crap around); Not like the time in 1980 – when I was in sixth grade and had my first projection-screen television experience while babysitting for the new neighbors – and was all like, “hey, I wonder what this movie ‘Alien’ is all about? I like space! Neat!” and just went right on ahead and put that baby in the machine. Julie and the kids can thank that two hours of my life for much of my personality. Honest, it’s not my fault. I’ve been damaged.

So there you are. “Cabin Fever” is worth watching. Just don’t run any traffic lights getting to the rental store, and if you’re looking for scary, grab something else too.

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Eminem Taks About It

He’s Eminem. Don’t think for a second that nobody cares what he says. They may be too young or too dumb to vote, but they do listen.

A discussion
. Because discussions are good.

“Let the President answer on high anarchy
Strap him with AK-47, let him go
Fight his own war, let him impress daddy that way
No more blood for oil, we got our own battles to fight on our soil
No more psychological warfare to trick us to think that we ain’t loyal
If we don’t serve our own country we’re patronizing a hero
Look in his eyes, it’s all lies, the stars and stripes
They’ve been swiped, washed out and wiped,
And Replaced with his own face, mosh now or die”

Real Audio link
Windows Media link

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Movies: “Van Helsing”

“Van Helsing” was enjoyable enough and the effects are mostly really neat-o. The story is…well…it’s hard to say. It’s not like the story sucked or anything, it was just kind of sort of there to show monsters. So, as far as showing monsters goes the story accomplished just what it was supposed to. Beyond that it was pretty snoozy.

Hugh Jackman was good. Kate Bekinsale was good. Everyone was good. Except the guy playing Dracula. He was a bit dissappointing. I guess when so many people have taken a stab at the character there’s just so much to hope for. Kind of like Henry VII, or Hamlet. The character is such an archetype. Dracula is such a familiar presence in the world that he seems to have substance beyond any time he’s been performed, and always seems lacking when an actor offers their interpretation. For my money, Gary Oldman is an exception (Brahm Stoker’s Dracula, 1992), and really did some cool shit in the part. Too bad the rest of the cast made the movie feel like the “Beverly Hills 90210 Senior Play.”

The DVD extras were pretty cool. Some mildly funny bloopers, behind the scenes looks at the creature creation, and an interesting experiment in something that they call “You’re in the Movie.” They strap little cam all over the set and on cameras and then show you different “behind the scenes” views of scenes as they unfold. It could have been better and seemed like someone had the great idea an nobody followed through in post-production.

Pet peeve #678: Referring to Frankenstein’s monster as “Frankenstein,” especially after acknowledging the difference earlier in the movie.

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Movies: “Envy” and “Master and Commander”

I’ve decided to try and watch a movie every day (or night, as time premits). Being the sharing sort, I’ve decided to let you all know what I think of them.

Night before last I watched “Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World.” The night before, Julie and I tried to watch “Envy,” but turned it off half way through. More on that later. Last night I read my book instead of watching a movie. So there: I’ve already failed you, gentle reader. No more sad anticipation of inevitable dissappointment necessary. First, let’s talk about “Master and Commander.”

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Welcome to my Nightmare

Dear Friend,

Congratulations to you and the miz’ on your very attractively swaddled bundle of vocal cords and bowl movements. Having been through what the two of you are experiencing twice in my life I, while admitting to a modicum of envy for the great journey you are beginning, also send to you, via whatever universal spiritual communication network may exist out there in the ether which connects us parents, all the strength and patience that you will undoubtedly need. And yes, I have heard that nonsense about catching up on sleep over the next 30 years from well-meaning friends as well. Why nobody thought to tell us that the sleep deprivation would last for every single one of those 30 years, I’ll never know. It continues for at least six years. That’s all I can vouch for but that, at least, I can virtually guarantee. Six. Long. Years.

One more parting word of advice: If you tell a two year old that they have to wait until they are six to get a dog, they will remember that. They will likely mention it every single day for the next four years. So don’t ever tell your kid anything that you don’t want them taking as gospel and please, for the love of whatever you hold holy and dear, don’t ever take your child for anything but the sponge that they are. They never forget. Unless of course it has something to do with picking up toys. That, my friend, is the realm of powers dark and malevolent.

Thus ends my fatherly advice. Again, congratulations. Good luck. Have fun!

Oh, and here’s mine: http://phenon.com

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RIP, Johnny Ramone

Guitar Solo from “I Wanna Be Sedated”


Sure, anyone can do it. But until Johnny did it, it had never been done by the Ramones. You can’t argue with that. You just can’t.

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Fucking Swift Boat Fuckers

Not much to add to an already totally clustered fuck, but…well here goes:

From the article:

“Swift boat veteran Bob Anderson of Columbus is ticked.

It bothers him that Sen. John Kerry’s swift boat history has become such a political hot potato. But he’s even more irritated that his name was included – without his permission – on a letter used to discredit Kerry. “

And the link: Columbus swift boat vet angry about letter

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Spin: Isn’t it Just Another Word for Misleading?

The Cheneys (he and she) have weighed in on John Kerrys recent remarks to a group of minority journalists that

“I believe I can fight a more effective, more thoughtful, more strategic, more proactive, more sensitive war on terror that reaches out to other nations and brings them to our side.”

She said it sounded foolish, and he said that “The men who beheaded Daniel Pearl and Paul Johnson will not be impressed by our sensitivity.”

With all due respect to the Vice-President (ah, who the fuck am I kidding, I’ve got no respect at all for that shit-head), Senator Kerry was not suggesting – as is patently obvious to anyone with half a brain reading the quote – that we behave toward al-Qaeda with more sensitivity. What Senator Kerry said – what his actual words said – was that if we act with more sensitivity toward the views and concerns of other potential allies (France and Germany leap to mind), then we will have a better understanding of the problem, a better understanding of how to deal with it, and some fucking friends left in the world no matter what happens. I mean just, duh.

Or as Kerry’s spokesman said:

“‘If you continue with a foreign policy when you’re arrogant, it makes it harder to hunt down terrorists,’ Singer said. ‘Arrogance leaves us isolated.'”

Can we just fast forward to November and vote these criminals out of office? Now?

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Whose Mission Was Accomplished?

This is what Retired Gen. Tommy Franks just said about Bush’s idiotic “Mission Accomplished” speech back in May of 2003.

“That’s my fault, that George W. Bush said what he said on the first of May of last year, just because I asked him to,” said Franks, former commander of forces in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Does that make any of you feel better? I know it does me. “Just because I asked him to,” he says. Brings something to mind about friends and jumping off bridges.

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