
Dear Senator Reid,

Dear Senator Reid,

While I appreciate your efforts, and honestly believe that you have the best interests in Americans at heart, I can’t believe how thoroughly you allowed the Health (Insurance) Care Bill to be compromised. I actually felt a glimmer of hope when the public option failed and the prospect of Medicare expansion returned to the fore (where it never should have left), but now all I feel is despair.

Whatever bill you eventually pass will do no good for those of us who have seen our rates skyrocket in the last few years. I guess if you weren’t getting the health care that you are, you’d understand the situation the rest of us are in, but as it stands, I guess you don’t.

Why, after all of his betrayals, you have allowed Joe Lieberman to insert himself as the sole gatekeeper of this process is beyond me. Either you didn’t see this coming, or didn’t think he would single-handedly derail the bill. It doesn’t really matter which it is.

Shame on you and the rest of the Senate to have squandered what may be your only opportunity to actually change the welfare of Americans for the better. I wish I could vote for someone other than a Republican or a Democrat. Republicans are counter to everything I hold dear, and Democrats seem unable, or unwilling, to accomplish anything.

Don’t bother passing the bill. It won’t do us any good out here in the cold. And boy, I sure hope I don’t get sick.

Disappointed (but not surprised),

Dear Senator Reid, Read More »

I’ve Never Been More Certain In My Life That Johnny Has a Boom Boom

I’m in love with Imelda May. The band is amazing and this song in particular is on seriously high replay on my headphones. In short, it’s just totally kick-ass rockabilly from Dublin by way of London.

On a related note, I highly recommend the show this video is taken from. It’s been on forever but I lost track of it for a few years. Later…With Jools Holland is on Ovation TV, seemingly, every fifteen minutes.

I’ve Never Been More Certain In My Life That Johnny Has a Boom Boom Read More »

Twilight was Stupid. Stupid Book, Stupid Movie. Buffy Would Have Made It Better.

If Edward had lived in the Universe of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, it would have been shorter, funnier, and way more best-ier. If you were slightly tweaked by the creepy stalker crap, and the more than creepy “I love you so much I want you to kill me” crap, oh yeah and the weirdly puritanical (written by a Mormon, you see) underpinnings of the crap-fest of a movie, this may make you laugh.

Twilight was Stupid. Stupid Book, Stupid Movie. Buffy Would Have Made It Better. Read More »

Obama Grants Benefits To Same-Sex Partners Of Federal Employees!

Wow, this is awesome. I couldn’t be happier! A huge moment in the fight toward equal rights for all. I just feel all warm and bubbly inside.

What’s that? Not all benefits? No health or retirement benefits because DOMA prohibits it? Well, that’s ok, I guess. I mean he did say during his campaign that gay rights were very important to him so I suppose he’ll get around to the rest of it. But what benefits exactly are left? No, no, I’m not complaining really. I’m just disappointed is all.

I mean, fer crissake, It’s not like his Justice Department used an opposition to incestuous marriages as a basis for it’s support of DOMA in a statement released recently. It did? What did Obama have to say about that? Boy I bet he was pissed! Nothing? Hm. Doesn’t sound like he really thinks about gay rights much at all.

He better fucking repeal “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell” and DOMA pretty fucking soon or I’m just about done with him. And none of this bullshit about due process and letting Congress work through it. Those acts are crap laws and violate human rights. You don’t have to wait for an act of Congress to right a wrong that you can fix with the stroke of a pen.? It’s what we fucking elected you to do!

I don’t really care if he fixes the economic crisis; I suspect that’s pretty much beyond the powers of his office. But if we all go down, we better fucking be going together.

Obama Grants Benefits To Same-Sex Partners Of Federal Employees! Read More »

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