
No Waffling On Women’s Access To Reproductive Health – Go Hillary!

I like Hillary. I’ve always like Hillary. I wasn’t happy with some of the concessions and allegiances she made during her campaign, but on the issue of a woman’s right to access to complete reproductive health information and services, I am a huge fan of how firm a stance she has consistently held. In response to a question on whether this administration will weaken any of the pro-life laws in place around the world, a very clear “hell yes we will!”

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Can “No Homo” Be Anything But Anti-Gay?

While it’s not really part of my kids’ playground world yet, I do know that it lies in wait just around the corner in Middle School.? And while I’m a big no-fan of telling people what they can and can’t say, I’m an even bigger fan of not being an idiot and knowing the impact of words.? I didn’t know the history of the phrase “No Homo” (didn’t even know it had been around for so long) and found this video informative, interesting, and more than a little clever and funny.

Jay Smooth on “No Homo” and reclaiming insults that are not used to insult you:

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First Step Toward Same-Sex Marriage in DC?

capitol-flagThere’s been a lot of good news on this front lately.

First it was Iowa (what a surprise), then more from Vermont (always reliable), and now the locals are getting into it was well!

From the Washington Post:

The D.C. Council voted today to recognize same-sex marriages performed in other states, on the same day that Vermont became the fourth state to legalize same-sex unions.


Image courtesy of M.V. Jantzen

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Listening Party

Boy howdy. Music is being teh good to me these days. I’ve added a music player to the blog so you can listen to songs by these folks right here and now! Isn’t that exciting? Isn’t it just the very most exciting thing that you’ve heard all week? Yes. Yes, it is.

The new Decemberists record is due out March 24th and I can’t wait to hear the whole thing. The pre-release single (which is available now from their site, or to listen to below) is great! Typically dark, moving, and adventurous.

I first heard K’naan on the NPR show All Song’s Considered, which seems to be where I hear about all the new music I end up loving. It’s the best radio show I know and the podcast comes out weekly.

Lily Allen doesn’t offer a whole lot for those who didn’t like her first record, and for my money that’s a good thing. Less ska and more pop and dance feels make it sound like a bit of a progression but the themes are still the same: herself, people she knows, people who know her, people she has screwed, people who have screwed her, drugs, and fame.

Santogold is strange. Dub, pop, rock, all sung with a really cool voice that reminds me of Karen O, of Yeah Yeah Yeahs.


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I Finally Begin to Understand the Financial Crisis. Thank You NPR!

piggyLast week’s episode of This American Life was a very well done hour-long segment explaining what the current economic crisis is all about.? It was a co-production of TAL, NPR News, and the (excellent) Planet Money podcast folks.? Much of the info may be overly simplistic at the beginning, but for those of us for whom things like economics will forever exist in a half-lit otherworld populated with frightening old men with frowny faces and no love for humanity, it’s just the ticket.

So, if you’ve ever heard someone say that the banks are loathe to “market to market” and did not realize that they were actually hearing “mark it to market,” well boy do I have the radio show for you!

Check out the free downloadable episode available? on the This American Life site.

I Finally Begin to Understand the Financial Crisis. Thank You NPR! Read More »

How Long Until Dollhouse Is Cancelled?

dollhouseI’m a big fan of Joss Whedon, but I can’t for the life of me figure out two things:

  1. Why he is doing another show on Fox
  2. Why he is starring Eliza Dushku in that show

Honestly, does he want the show to fail?? It’s the only thing I can think of given that he is back with a network that totally screwed his last series (Firefly, which was actually great), to produce a new show (Dollhouse, which is not).? I know that his shows usually take a few episodes – even half a season – to find their legs, but Ms. Dushku is going to take much longer than that to learn how to act.? I didn’t like her in Buffy and I don’t like her here.

The thing was, Buffy was a great show in spite of the other wooden actor (Sarah Michelle Gellar in the title role) because there was so much else to love about it:? The other cast members were interesting and fun, and carried the show in spite of SMG’s cruddy acting, and the writing was fresh, quick, and funny.? Dollhouse doesn’t seem to have either of those two things.

I’m betting it’s doomed.? Will it last the season?? Who cares?

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