
Buffy Season 6 Review by MikeJer

I really like Buffy the Vampire Slayer.? I’ve now watched the entire series three or four times (the last time with the kids).? I’ve been known to expound on what I feel Buffy has to say about our world – probably even more than some (perhaps unfortunate) drinking partners would prefer.? But this guy MikeJer…now he really knows how to go on about Buffy.? ? Case in point: nearly 14,000 words analyzing the often derided Season 6.? Just, wow.

Buffy Season 6 Review by MikeJer – SuperJer.com.

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CNN Loves Tots, And It Creeps Me Out

The word “tot” doesn’t give me the heebie-jeebies all by itself (not like, say, “linoleum,” or “panties”), but it seems like CNN has developed quite a fetish for the use of the word. I suppose it’s to save headline space and help make their lists of links look nicer by preventing lines from wrapping, but it just seems out of place in nearly every case. Used less frequently, and to slightly less consternation on my part is the word “kin.”

Neither of these words seem appropriate to the types of stories they are used to promote. They seem to convey a sense of informality, or even condescension, that is rarely appropriate to the content of the story.

Here are some examples that make my stomach turn in the way it used to every day working for a television station:

  • Tot who died on Disney ride had bad heart
  • Missing tot’s trail goes cold after three months
  • Tot had heart sticker on mouth
  • Tot mom meant to kill!
  • Twister kills two mothers protecting kin
  • Buffett: Tax my kin, please (not surprisingly, Buffet did not actually say “kin”)
  • Kidnapped soldier’s kin: Stop the killing

And a whole shitload more from google.

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What Does Rick Warrens AIDS Work Look Like?

I haven’t really heard anything about what kind of work Rick Warren has done to combat AIDS in Africa since Obama announced him as his pick to deliver the invocation at his inauguration. I’ve though it a bit odd since that is the main response that the Obama team has used to defend their selection of a homophobic prick.

“He’s devoted his life to performing good works for the poor and leads the evangelical movement in addressing the global HIV/AIDS crisis.”

– From talking points circulated by the Obama team

Leave it to AlterNet to dig into it. How surprised am I do find that Warren has worked AGAINST the so-called ABC program (hint: the “C” stands for “condoms”) created by Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni in cooperation with several NGOs, and credited with lowering Uganda’s AIDS rate by 10%? Not very surprised, I tell you. Not very surprised at all.

Condom Burnings and Anti-Gay Witch Hunts: How Rick Warren Is Undermining AIDs Prevention in Africa (AlterNet.org)

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Who Is Sexier: Rachel Maddow or John Stewart?

I just can’t decide. The two of them together, though…now that’s HOT!

Who Is Sexier: Rachel Maddow or John Stewart? Read More »

Swingers – One Good Reason

My good friend James Gossard and I used to swap mix-tapes where one of us would do a side and give it to the other to do a “response” side. I learned about some music from James that I probably never would have found where it not for those mix-tapes. Among the songs I still have on tape, but that I’ve had an impossible search for digital versions of, is this one from the New Zealand band Swingers. I’ve never seen the movie this video is from, but am certainly intrigued.

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Listening Party

Something new, something old, and something a bit of both.

  • TV on the Radio – Dear Science The new album from New York’s TV on the Radio is the best album of the year so far.
  • Die Kreuzen – Die Kreuzen Bill thinks this is more metal than hardcore, and I agree they certainly went that way after a bit. Regardless, their first album kicks ass.
  • Fleet Foxes – White Winter Hymnal It’s the ’60s (or is it the ’70s?) again. This reminds me of lying on my parents living room floor listening to “Horse with no Name” by America.

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Proud of Ohio; California, You Should Be Ashamed Of Yourself

I’ve got a rocky past with California, having grown up in Oregon where the general feeling about the state to our South was “keep it moving.”? We had a Governor back in the ’70s who (perhaps mythically) proposed that I-5 run from California to Washington with no exits to anything other than gas stations.

But I never really bought into that crap.? Heck, some of my best friends came from California.? San Fransisco is in California (though some may argue it actually belongs in Ecotopia with Oregon and Washington), and I really like San Fransisco!? I’ve always had a nice time in California, and it’s rumored by Conservatives to be the last bastion of ultra-Liberalism (though, if they actually think Barack Obama is a far left Liberal, they haven’t met too many people like me and my friends).

Then there’s Ohio.? I was born there, but we left before my sister was born 17 months later.? I’m really happy that we left.? Growing up in Eugene, Oregon had a lot to do with my world views, and I like my world views.? Somehow, though, I ended up living in Cincinnati for ten years before coming here to Maryland a few? years back.? Both of my kids were born in Cincinnati.? Two of my dearest friends and their bitchin’ kids live in Cincinnati.? But I never felt like Cincinnati was “me.”

I loved moving to Maryland, in part, to leave a red state for a blue one but now the world has flipped on it’s head and I have only two things more to say:

“Thank you Ohio, for helping us elect someone I hope to be a great American President;” and “To 52.5%? of California: Fuck you for Proposition 8.? Really.? Fuck you a lot.”

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