
Buffy Season 6 Review by MikeJer

I really like Buffy the Vampire Slayer.? I’ve now watched the entire series three or four times (the last time with the kids).? I’ve been known to expound on what I feel Buffy has to say about our world – probably even more than some (perhaps unfortunate) drinking partners would prefer.? But this guy MikeJer…now he really knows how to go on about Buffy.? ? Case in point: nearly 14,000 words analyzing the often derided Season 6.? Just, wow.

Buffy Season 6 Review by MikeJer –

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I posted this video a long time ago, but it was before the new-fangled video hosting places made it easy to embed video. Or maybe it was this creaky old WordPress blog software that wouldn’t let me do it. Whatever the reason, bask in the wonder that is the Lyrebird:

Lyrebird Read More »

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