Adam Rifkin Rates “Bleeder” In Top 300 Songs Of 1994
Adam Rifkin Rates “Bleeder” In Top 300 Songs Of 1994 Read More »
Alison’s coming to look at my blog. I’m sooooooooooooo excited!!
I just have to clean up a bit. Let’s see…did I spellcheck that post? NO? Shit, too late. I already sent the email with the link. Fucking hell!
Oh well. I hope she likes it. She’s so…well, so…
CU Wireless Network is a community group coordinating with the FCC to establish a community wireless network in New Orleans. They are also bringing together VIOP, Low-Power FM, and Ad-Hoc Networking folks. Needed: solo geeks to help out, and money.
PayPal Donation:
I had been trying for the past few weeks to be more regular at posting to this thing. There just doesn’t seem to be much to say since the world turned upside down. I’ll just leave it at this for a while and be back later:
Red Cross
Salvation Army
The first show I ever saw was the Beach Boys at MacArthur Court, the basketball arena at the University of Oregon. I remember my desk in my old room, and the way it looked with the concert tickets tucked safely under the edge of the blotter. My sister and I were equally excited about the concert. I’m not sure why…I don’t remember either of us really caring much about the Beach Boys. At the time she was a Shawn Cassidy fan, and I was pretty heavy into either Joan Jett, Blondie, or KISS…depending on the time of day.
I remember a few flashes about the show. I remember that we were behind a post and had to lean to the left or right to get a good view of…who? No idea. I mean, these days I know…it was all about Brian Wilson. At the time I had no fucking idea who Brian Wilson was. I knew Gene, I knew Paul, I knew Peter and I knew Ace…but Brian?!? Not fucking likely. I really have no idea whatsoever why the ‘sis and I were so damn excited about that show. I couldn’t have been more than 10 or 11, so I guess that explains it.
There weren’t a whole lot of shows at MacArthur Court. The only other band I ever saw there was The Clash. It was 1984; my junior year of high school. It was one of the last times I went out with one group of friends, before abandoning them for another group. I remember that Jimmy took something nasty and had to leave. I don’t remember if I went with him. I do remember that The Clash was something. Really something. It was all I had room for. Sorry Jimmy.
I’ve lost track of a lot of things in the last 20 years. I get lost really easily while driving. I am easily lost in conversations with any background noise at all, because my hearing is so bad. I have ADD, and am prone to feel depressed for no reason at all. I am constantly surprised when people I work with find my work noteworthy.
But there are two things I still have a tight grip on:
1. My sister was there for my first rock show
2. I got to see Joe Strummer live, on stage, singing words with feeling
Which of those is the more important is meaningless to me. They are both mine, and I’m keeping them.
What a complete and utter pud. Total dork-wad all tied up in knots. Check out the post on Sadly, No. James Dobson is trying to help you stop the evils of queerness in your dear child.
Is My Child Becoming a Homo…er…sexual?
Should I worry that – at the tender young age of 4 – Demon #2 is only happy when he’s dressed as some sort of superhero-Babushka and thinks he looks smashing in barrettes? Nah, I’ll worry when he stops calling the shrub “President Butthole,” and starts eating meat. No, not that kind of meat. I could care less if he eats that kind of meat. I just fear that he’ll eat animals someday and start voting Republican. Eating hot studly beefcake, though? Not so much a worry here at the homestead.
Something about the thought of an experimental spacecraft – with delicate sails designed to harness an interstellar ‘wind’ of light particles – being lost out there somewhere makes me feel lonely and cold.
CNN also makes me feel lonely and cold. If you’re the same, here’s the same story from BetaNews.
While I balk at their hilariously weird “lifestyle coach” kind of approach to helping you develop “missions” and “values” to orient your “compass” with regard to organizing your life, there’s no disputing that the Franklin Covey Plan Plus addon for MS Outlook is a great tool. It extends the standard suite of Outlook tools and introduces ways to more effectively prioritize and link tasks, projects, and calendar items. The projects are new. It’s really fucking cool.
Unfortunately the thing is $99. I’m still playing with the 30 day trial to be sure it’s really gonna fit the bill, but so far I love it. Now, if I can just get me some more methylphenidate. It’s been six months since my last ‘script ran out.
One of these days, I’m gonna get myself organazized Read More »
Does is ever strike you that that world is simultaneously an abosolutely horrible, downtrodden place and a place of staggering beauty and infinite possibility?
Yeah, me too.
I mean, yeah, me neither.
Breakfast is the finest meal of the day. It’s a partly cloudy Sunday morning and I’m cooking hashbrowns, toast and scrambled eggs for the demons. J is in Arizona and it’s just the three of us. The birds are chirping through open windows and all is well with the world (well, inside these walls anyway). I always think of my friend Laura when I make hashbrowns. How she always ordered them well-done when we all went out to breakfast in Seattle. I strive to cook hashbrowns that would satisfy Laura. The Coastal Kitchen certainly never could.