
What Does Rick Warrens AIDS Work Look Like?

I haven’t really heard anything about what kind of work Rick Warren has done to combat AIDS in Africa since Obama announced him as his pick to deliver the invocation at his inauguration. I’ve though it a bit odd since that is the main response that the Obama team has used to defend their selection of a homophobic prick.

“He’s devoted his life to performing good works for the poor and leads the evangelical movement in addressing the global HIV/AIDS crisis.”

– From talking points circulated by the Obama team

Leave it to AlterNet to dig into it. How surprised am I do find that Warren has worked AGAINST the so-called ABC program (hint: the “C” stands for “condoms”) created by Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni in cooperation with several NGOs, and credited with lowering Uganda’s AIDS rate by 10%? Not very surprised, I tell you. Not very surprised at all.

Condom Burnings and Anti-Gay Witch Hunts: How Rick Warren Is Undermining AIDs Prevention in Africa (AlterNet.org)

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Who Is Sexier: Rachel Maddow or John Stewart?

I just can’t decide. The two of them together, though…now that’s HOT!

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Charles Meets Barack

Charles is a volunteer from Boulder, CO who won a raffle to meet Barack at the rally in Denver a few days ago. It’s great to hear the perspective of someone who has been around as long as Charles has and who saw first hand what FDR did to pull us out of the Great Depression.

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Lawrence Lessig on Why He Supports Barack

In a very clearly stated 20 minute video, Lawrence Lessig (EFF Boardmember) sums up why he is voting for Barack Obama. I’d say he hits the nail pretty squarely on the head and does a great job of supporting what, for many, is a slightly ambiguous “feeling” about the principles of the two remaining Democratic candidates.

20 minutes or so on why I am 4Barack (lessig.org)

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Supreme Fucking Court

Yesterday, the Supreme Court upheld the federal ban of late-term abortions. While it concerns a very uncommon procedure, the ban is particularly frightening in that it does not provide any sort of provision for situations where the mother’s life may be at risk. This sets precedent whereby future cases could be decided using the lack of that provision in the existing ban as a footstool to introduce further restrictions. Now is the time to start making yourself heard! Even if Roe is never overturned, this Court could make it so hard for women to get abortions that it would be effectively the same thing.

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