
The irony is that he used “irony” correctly

Nobody uses the word irony correctly. Hell, Alanis Morisette even wrote a song about it in which she used the word irony incorrectly throughout. Ok, there’s some arguement about that, but still.

So how ironic is it that President Bush – arguably the most ill-spoken public servant of all time – actually used the word correctly? When an open mic recently recorded a conversation between Bush and Tony Blair, Bush made headlines for using the word “shit” in reference to the current situation in Lebanon. What the flurry of blog and news posts about this event seem to have missed is perhaps the biggest news of all: Bush may not be as big a nincompoop as we all thought. And how scary is that?

Here’s what he said:

“See the irony is what they need to do is get Syria to get Hezbollah to stop doing this shit and it’s over.”

Yes, it is certainly ironic that it is Syria (sponsor of terrorism) that would be called on to reign in Heabollah. It is exactly ironic!

Personally, I find it scary that Bush may have been porposefully speaking like a complete numbskull just to keep us off guard; To keep us feeling that he’s not ad dangerous as he really is. When an accidental open mic catches Bush being this candid and clear-spoken, it just makes it that much clearer how obfuscated and scheming he really is.

Run to the hills.

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Queer Egg Roll

J and R rolling eggsJ and I camped out all night Friday with a bunch of people organized by FamilyPride.org to get tickets for the White House egg roll. It was a lovely night and only rained a few minutes Saturday morning. Next year, we’ll be better prepared with tent and sleeping bags and bring the kids.

The egg roll itself was pretty fun. There were lots of performers on different stages, and the kids had a great time. As you see from the photo, young R and old J participated in the roll. P would have none of it and I hung out with her to cheer her little brother on.

The event was marred only by some really horrible protesters outside the gate telling our kids that they would get sick being out on such a rainy day without god protecting them. I’m pretty sure that P felt all confidence that the Goddess had her back all the way, and R doesn’t listen to anything anyone else says anyway.

We overheard some White House staff grumbling as we passed that this was a family event and that…well, whatever they said it was stupid. What would you expect from this White House?

Here are some links to coverage:
CBSNews.com story
CBSNews.com slideshow
CNN.com story
365Gay.com story
SF Chronicle story

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Vernon Robinson Hates Everybody!

Wow, this guy Vernon Robinson (running for Congress in N.C.) is nuts. I just had to send him an email from his website (red, white, and blue…what a surprise!). Check out his tv ad on Crooks and Liars. The ad is no longer on his site, but thanks to the magic of the internet, he’s stuck with it.

“Dear Mr. Robinson,

I Just saw your “Twilight Zone” commercial. As a fine American raising two beautiful children with my loving wife, I’ve never been so inspired in my life to run out and have lots and lots of gay sex. Just wanted you to know that your commercial is working. An absolutely brilliant lampooning of the crazy right-wing nutcases. Keep up the good work. But just to be on the safe side, I’ll do all I can to ensure that you are not elected. Even in N.C.

By the way, you need more options under the “Gender” category on this web form. After seeing your ad, I honestly wasn’t sure what to select.”


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Campaign for America’s Priorities

Today, I’m splitting my time between attending sessions at the N-TEN Regional Conference (here in DC) and checkng progress on this wicked-cool application we just finished building for a client. I’m really proud of it…especially since we turned it around in less than a week (and that included multiple content and graphical changes by the client at all points in the development process).

We used the Google Maps API to build the Campaign for America’s Priorities (actnow.org), allowing people to add a personalized protest sign to a map and send links out to friends. Pretty cool, really.

Here’s my map.

I’m not sure if it’s the first virtual march. Let me know about others you’ve seen.

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Didn’t Know it Could Happen?!?

This heartwrenching (in light of current events) National Geographic article from October of 2004 was stunningly prescient in it’s description of a — at the time, still fictional — hurricane hit on the coast of Louisiana. The recent protestations from FEMA, DHS, and the White House ring hollow when it’s so obvious that many people know if the dangers, and were quite vocal about what needed to be done to prepare.

Such high stakes compelled a host of unlikely bedfellows?scientists, environmental groups, business leaders, and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers?to forge a radical plan to protect what’s left. Drafted by the Corps a year ago, the Louisiana Coastal Area (LCA) project was initially estimated to cost up to 14 billion dollars over 30 years, almost twice as much as current efforts to save the Everglades. But the Bush Administration balked at the price tag, supporting instead a plan to spend up to two billion dollars over the next ten years to fund the most promising projects. Either way, Congress must authorize the money before work can begin.

“The killer for Louisiana is a Category Three storm at 72 hours before landfall that becomes a Category Four at 48 hours and a Category Five at 24 hours?coming from the worst direction,” says Joe Suhayda, a retired coastal engineer at Louisiana State University who has spent 30 years studying the coast. Suhayda is sitting in a lakefront restaurant on an actual August afternoon sipping lemonade and talking about the chinks in the city’s hurricane armor. “I don’t think people realize how precarious we are,”
Suhayda says, watching sailboats glide by. “Our technology is great when it works. But when it fails, it’s going to make things much worse.”

(Emphasis mine.)


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