
Flushing Out The Ugly Truth

Milvertha Hendricks, 84, waits in the rain with other flood victims outside the convention center in New Orleans Thursday. This Salon.com article hopefully will help start a dialogue that is something we are in desparate need of.

There are lots of problems out there, to be sure, but the way the United States treats it’s poor is shameful. The reports in the news and the statements from pundits are reactionary and disgusting.

You certainly can’t excuse people shooting guns at the people who are involved in rescue and releif efforts, to be sure, but that’s not all that this disaster is about. It’s about terrible preparation and response too. It’s about the expectation that any offer of help is going to be met with tearful gratitude (Extreme Makeover Home Edition) rather than “fuck you, where were you last week, dick?”

People in need will always be there, hungry, cold, whenever we are moved (or forced) to offer compassion and assistance. We’ll always know where to find them because they have nowhere else to go. If you beat someone at the same time you starve them, don’t be surprised if they bite your hand. And when they bite your hand and that leads you to the conclusion that they aren’t worth feeding, then “fuck you, where were you last week, dick?”

Some supporting video from Crooks & Liars

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Dobson is a Dick

What a complete and utter pud. Total dork-wad all tied up in knots. Check out the post on Sadly, No. James Dobson is trying to help you stop the evils of queerness in your dear child.

Is My Child Becoming a Homo…er…sexual?

Should I worry that – at the tender young age of 4 – Demon #2 is only happy when he’s dressed as some sort of superhero-Babushka and thinks he looks smashing in barrettes? Nah, I’ll worry when he stops calling the shrub “President Butthole,” and starts eating meat. No, not that kind of meat. I could care less if he eats that kind of meat. I just fear that he’ll eat animals someday and start voting Republican. Eating hot studly beefcake, though? Not so much a worry here at the homestead.

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Flyouts Are Fun! And So Are Democrats.

I just finished a 12 hour day getting this site re-fresh ready for launch. It was my first real stab at a CSS-only flyout menu and I’m really pretty nervous. I know that older browser support will be spotty (or non-existent), but it should function in all current browsers and platforms. I’m pretty happy with it, but could probably use an expert review. I mean, in some ways I am an expert, but that just scares me sometimes. I mean, if I’m expert in any aspect of this wild and wolly internet then how the fuck is it still even running?


My main responsibility was the flyout menus under “ideas” and a bunch of image chopping and HTML cleanup. Please, by all that is holy, do not run an HTML validation on this page. We had nothing to do with the core HTML and I would dearly love to spend 10 hours just combing through the code getting it all up to XHTML snuff. Just seeing the thousands of occurances of

was enough to give me nightmares! Honestly, if you are as big a standards geek as I am, that single tag will make your stomach turn. Why do you think I’m typing this (while desperately gulping Hefeweizen) instead of going to bed, like any sane person would after already being in front of their computer since 8am? I’ll be dreaming of inline styles, duplicate IDs and classes with names like “blueNavCopy” all night. Honestly, it’s just not worth going to sleep at all.

Maybe I’ll just FTP to the server on my own time while nobody is looking and just…


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Did Rove Leak Plame’s Identity to Press?

Two sources confirm (Editor and Publisher) that documents Time turned over to a Federal Judge name Karl Rove as one of the sources for Matt Cooper’s piece outing Valerie Plame. How key he was, and what information he provided, remain to be seen.

The White House said, back in 2003, that whomever leaked the info (if they were White House employees) should be fired and prosecuted (AmericaBlog). I expect that the coming weeks will see some creative definitions for “fired” and “prosecuted.”

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