
Tedious and Brief

I hate those line-by-line deconstructions by wisenheimer progressives of the bald-faced lies that our politicians tell us. I especially hate it when it’s the State of the Union address that is being taken apart. Even more, I hate it when the target is George W. Bush.

Oh wait…no, that’s not exactly true. Actually, it’s exactly NOT true.

And here it is…

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Our Founders and the Unbalance of Power – Gore Speech

Speech Delivered by Vice President Al Gore

Thursday, June 24, 2004, 12:30pm

Georgetown University Law Center

When we Americans first began, our biggest danger was clearly in view: we knew from the bitter experience with King George III that the most serious threat to democracy is usually the accumulation of too much power in the hands of an Executive, whether he be a King or a president. Our ingrained American distrust of concentrated power has very little to do with the character or persona of the individual who wields that power. It is the power itself that must be constrained, checked, dispersed and carefully balanced, in order to ensure the survival of freedom. In addition, our founders taught us that public fear is the most dangerous enemy of democracy because under the right circumstances it can trigger the temptation of those who govern themselves to surrender that power to someone who promises strength and offers safety, security and freedom from fear.

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Jon Stewart Concerened About Cheney’s Pants

Yes, it’s true: the Vice President is having a problem with his pants and Jon Stewart (“The Daily Show) is worried about him.

Yesterday, in addition to the sound (and hilarious) spanking given pro-war stooge Stephen F. Hayes, author of the book, ?The Connection : How al Qaeda’s Collaboration with Saddam Hussein Has Endangered America,? Jon showed some truly heartfelt concern for the Vice President’s pants.

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Uncle Me

I’m an uncle for the first time. She’s beautiful. I want to go see my little sister and her new baby so badly. Soon. Maybe three weeks or so. Beautiful.. Both. Just beautiful.

I’m off from office work this week. I start the new job on Monday and last Friday was my last day at the TV station. I’ve been taxiing kids around this week while J tries desperately to finish collecting data for her dissertation. We’ve been meeting at 5 for dinner the last few nights just because if we don’t we won’t see each other all day. We leave the house at 8am and see each other for an hour for dinner and then she teaches until 9 or so. It’s great that she is getting so much work done. Her shit is always the first to get put to the side because it doesn’t bring in the immediate reward of a paycheck and that sucks. I mean shit…her work actually means something. She is the one that is doing good work for the world…trying to make a difference in some way. I’m just a web drone, like a million other web drones. I like the work fine, it’s just not doing anything to make the world a better place. I wish I could get a gig as webmaster for some really great activist web site.

Here’s a cool one: http://axisofjustice.com

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