I Finally Begin to Understand the Financial Crisis. Thank You NPR!

piggyLast week’s episode of This American Life was a very well done hour-long segment explaining what the current economic crisis is all about.? It was a co-production of TAL, NPR News, and the (excellent) Planet Money podcast folks.? Much of the info may be overly simplistic at the beginning, but for those of us for whom things like economics will forever exist in a half-lit otherworld populated with frightening old men with frowny faces and no love for humanity, it’s just the ticket.

So, if you’ve ever heard someone say that the banks are loathe to “market to market” and did not realize that they were actually hearing “mark it to market,” well boy do I have the radio show for you!

Check out the free downloadable episode available? on the This American Life site.

I Finally Begin to Understand the Financial Crisis. Thank You NPR! Read More »