
Can “No Homo” Be Anything But Anti-Gay?

While it’s not really part of my kids’ playground world yet, I do know that it lies in wait just around the corner in Middle School.? And while I’m a big no-fan of telling people what they can and can’t say, I’m an even bigger fan of not being an idiot and knowing the impact of words.? I didn’t know the history of the phrase “No Homo” (didn’t even know it had been around for so long) and found this video informative, interesting, and more than a little clever and funny.

Jay Smooth on “No Homo” and reclaiming insults that are not used to insult you:

Can “No Homo” Be Anything But Anti-Gay? Read More »

Who Is Sexier: Rachel Maddow or John Stewart?

I just can’t decide. The two of them together, though…now that’s HOT!

Who Is Sexier: Rachel Maddow or John Stewart? Read More »

Swingers – One Good Reason

My good friend James Gossard and I used to swap mix-tapes where one of us would do a side and give it to the other to do a “response” side. I learned about some music from James that I probably never would have found where it not for those mix-tapes. Among the songs I still have on tape, but that I’ve had an impossible search for digital versions of, is this one from the New Zealand band Swingers. I’ve never seen the movie this video is from, but am certainly intrigued.

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Charles Meets Barack

Charles is a volunteer from Boulder, CO who won a raffle to meet Barack at the rally in Denver a few days ago. It’s great to hear the perspective of someone who has been around as long as Charles has and who saw first hand what FDR did to pull us out of the Great Depression.

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