
I Need Some Fine Wine and You, You Need to be Nicer/My Favorite Game

I’ve liked the Cardigans ever since “Lovefool” (which I really didn’t like much) was popular. Since then, they have gotten older and darker and I’ve loved each album they’ve done in the past ten years or so. This first one is off of their latest album “Super Extra Heavy Gravity (2005),” and the second one is from “Gran Tourismo (1998)”. I suppose that’s all there is to say. What do you think?

Loosing My Favorite Game

I Need Some Fine Wine and You, You Need to be Nicer

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Tales of the Merman

I miss Don and Janet. We used to see them all the time and went to their house every whatever-day-of-the-week it was to watch Friends when Julie and Don were in Graduate school together. Janet is one of the most talented interpreters of imagination and how it splashes out all over everything that I’ve ever known. She once made a bar (yes a bar) for Don as a birthday present.

What happens when they decide to make something together? Tales of the Merman, that’s what. If you’re one of those fuddy-duddies who need things to make sense, then I don’t know what to say to you. I never have.

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Couldn’t You Wait

I was visiting my friend John’s MySpace page a minute ago and saw that he has posted a trailer for a documentary about one of my favorite bands from Seattle, Silkworm. Halfway through the trailer they start talking about Michael’s death. I hadn’t even known he had died.

It was a little more than two years ago when, apparently, his car was hit by a woman speeding and trying to kill herself. Michael was a great drummer with – as I recall – an amazingly sweet personality and no pretension. That was rare in the 90s rock world of Seattle.

I remember standing to the side of the stage at the Off Ramp watching him play. Coincidentally – after posting just an hour or so ago about smiling rock musicians – I remember him smiling shyly as he played. Man, he really hit the drums hard.

I’m sorry he’s gone and my thoughts go out to his family and the rest of Silkworm. Cheers, Michael.

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I posted this video a long time ago, but it was before the new-fangled video hosting places made it easy to embed video. Or maybe it was this creaky old WordPress blog software that wouldn’t let me do it. Whatever the reason, bask in the wonder that is the Lyrebird:

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