
Hold Steady – Stuck Between Stations

Why haven’t I posted this before? This is one of my favorite bands: great lyrics, great music, great energy. And a fucked up perspective. Yay.

I picked this version because it sounds pretty good (not as good as the official video, but live is better for me). This version of the song performed live at Bonnaroo is great too. The sound isn’t as good, but I feel good every time I see how happy Craig Finn seems at the start of the song. It reminds me of how playing shows used to make me feel.

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Everyday Normal Guy

Again with the video. What the fuck? If I had something to say, I’d say it. I guess I’m just an Everyday Normal Guy.

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I know it’s monumentally lazy to stroll back here every few weeks to post a video, but…well, I guess that’s all I have room for. Hell, it’s not like anyone reads this fucking blog anyway.

I found this video on YouTube of NoMeansNo back before they had a guitar player. I think I saw them at the Vatican in Eugene as a duo, but can’t remember those days all that clearly. This probably would have been from the mid-’80s sometime. I played with them a couple of times around 88 or 89, but they had grey hair by then.

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Jon Stewart Concerened About Cheney’s Pants

Yes, it’s true: the Vice President is having a problem with his pants and Jon Stewart (“The Daily Show) is worried about him.

Yesterday, in addition to the sound (and hilarious) spanking given pro-war stooge Stephen F. Hayes, author of the book, ?The Connection : How al Qaeda’s Collaboration with Saddam Hussein Has Endangered America,? Jon showed some truly heartfelt concern for the Vice President’s pants.

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