Uhhh…you’re serious, right?

Bill Gates in an interview with The Associated Press on Aug. 6th regarding Windows XP Service Pack 2:
“If we weren’t viewing this as such a key priority, then we wouldn’t be giving it away as a free thing,”

I mean really. The punk has spent the last ten years or so beating the shit out of the entire concept of Open Source software (free), and this is what he says about the latest Windows update? What a shitbag.

Uhhh…you’re serious, right? Read More »

Open Letter To Bill O’Reilly

It is not surprising that when Bill O’Reilly invited Jeremy Glick – who’s father was killed on 9-11 – to appear on his show, things got heated. Glick had signed an ad put out by “Not In Our Name,” opposing the US war in Iraq. He made his points quickly as O’Reilly beat him down and told him to “shut up.”

After continuing to lie and attack Glick over the next few months, Lawrence Lessig decided to write O’Reilly a letter. Check out Lessig’s blog, letter and excerpt from “Outfoxed,” which replays the encounter and details the situation.

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Pigs are Definitely Stupid

Was it a totally unintentional coincidence (as I claimed) that I rented the movie “Babe” for the kids to watch last night? Was it simply because I love the movie? The sweet message of acceptance, love, and communication is easily reason enough for renting it, but was there more to it than just that? More than there has been in the past? Could it have had anything at all to do with today’s trip to Pennyslvania for Julie’s Uncle Tom’s annual pig roast? I’m sure that the thought never crossed my mind.

That’ll do pig. That’ll do.

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It’d Be Easier Were Not The Car Totally Fucked

Adjusting to life in Maryland is not the smoothest piece of work I’ve ever sunk myself in to. The issues with in-laws are sorting themselves out. I’ve had a few job interviews. Things are proceeding apace. Now, if only the Passat that we bought new 2 1/2 years ago – with the idea that we’d spend less in repairs if we had a new car – hadn’t just killed itself, we’d be sitting pretty.

Yeah, that’s right: Dead. Apparently it needs a new engine. Well fine then…I guess I’ll just take that $5000 we had saved away and…oh yeah, that’s right. We don’t HAVE $5000 dollars. Fucking fuck. Well, thank goodness the warranty is…hmmmm? Excuse me? Did you just say that the warrany is actually void becaussssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss…………….

{sound of white noise immediately preceeding my head exploding}

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Quest for Fire

Two jobs loom in my headlights. One that I’m really excited about, and another that I’ll tolerate. Actually, I’m sort of excited about both, but I’ve been told “I’ll call you early next week,” for over a month now and I’m just about done with it. Since all (none) of you who read this blog are surely on pins and needles about what I’m going to do, I’ll be sure to let you know what happens.

In other news, a life of leisure is dreamy, to be sure, but wasted when lived with the parents of one’s partner.

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Hell or Highwater

We’ve arrived at Julie’s folks house in Maryland. It sucks. I didn’t think it was going to suck this much – or in quite this way – but make no mistake: it sucks. What’s that sound you hear? That’ll be me drinking.

Well, at least it seems to suck for them too!

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I Went Back to Ohio

I was born in Sandusky, Ohio in December of 1967. I have no memory of life on the shores of Lake Erie beyond a fuzzy image of a a small, brown, single story house on a snowy street and, maybe, another snapshot vision of looking out a frosty window down a hilly street. After moving to Missouri the next year, Kansas a couple of years after that, Oregon when I was in second grade, Seattle in my 20s and a year in Nairobi, I never thought I’d see Ohio again.

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Protest Movie Inexplicably Sets Attendance Record

In an absolutely shocking development, Michael Moore’s latest documentarian assault on corporate and governmental greed and dishonesty saw it’s opening weekend attendance boosted by the tight-lipped crusade against it’s release. Oddly, the attack by a transparently dogmatic and partisan group, against a transparently dogmatic and partisan filmmaker, backfired and resulted in record attendance for a documentary and the highest showing for any movie this weekend. Surprising, after it worked so well with Mel Gibson’s movie!

The success of “Farenheit 9/11” certainly came as a huge shock to the makers and distributors of it’s competition – “White Chicks” and “Garfield” – who were expecting a larger turnout following the intense pre-release excitement surrounding their movies. “I don’t understand it. Garfield is so popular. I remember when I was in Junior High in 1980…I just couldn’t get enough of Garfield,” Pete Hewitt, director of “Garfield,” definitely did not say. “And we got Jennifer Love Hewitt,” the director continued to whine, “Everybody loves J-Lo. Don’t they? Don’t they?”

John Blofeld, a guy walking down the street in downtown Cincinnati, Ohio, said of “White Girls”: “I just don’t get it. How could that offensive, ill-informed piece of political trash beat out a comedy about two black guys dressing up like white girls? The world just doesn’t make sense any more.”

After a whithering piece by Christopher Hitchens (Slate), and the public relations onslaught put on by freakishly tight-assed christian groups across the country, how anybody saw their way clear to dropping the 8 bones to watch this movie is also beyond the imagining of school marm Francis Fornofsky of Homer, Michigan. “It’s a mystery to me. I mean, who in their right mind would want to see something so controversial? Not me, I assure you,” scolded Fornofsky through (of course) pursed lips.

When Hitchens (Formerly of “The Nation,” nice liberal turned pro-war hawk) reduces Moore’s film to a quivering mass that by all rights owes us all very sincere apology, we all must look deep within to try and discover what it is that drives us to subject ourselves to such self-flaggelating (so-called) entertainment.

“To describe this film as dishonest and demagogic would almost be to promote those terms to the level of respectability. To describe this film as a piece of crap would be to run the risk of a discourse that would never again rise above the excremental. To describe it as an exercise in facile crowd-pleasing would be too obvious. Fahrenheit 9/11 is a sinister exercise in moral frivolity, crudely disguised as an exercise in seriousness. It is also a spectacle of abject political cowardice masking itself as a demonstration of “dissenting” bravery.”

Well, it’s a good thing that he didn’t call is “dishonest and demogogic,” or “a piece of crap.” I mean, really…after reading that, who would want to see the film? You? I think not.

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